Sunday, November 21, 2010

Back to the Blog

Greetings from the hole that i crawled into. what a super long blog funk that was! you know you get a writers block, and then you just get out of the habit. my apologies, mostly to myself!

so i'm gonna have to make a change and start recording my best writings here once more. i see this is the easiest option for actually getting this good stuff made into a real scrapbook. besides that, i just desire to write much much more than simple brief facebook posts.

Its been a wild and utterly tiresome year, but equally a golden year-- completely maxed out on super-cute cheek-pinching joy. Children make it easy to combine the 2 complete opposite descriptions.

For my short revival post i will leave you with recent pictures of our mun chi chis playing on a fall day:

Red mini monster Troy

Little Lady Lovely Locks Jenny

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