Thursday, July 2, 2009

growing up

can you believe that jenny sat on public potty yesterday????

for starters, i had been real proud a couple weeks ago when i had to change her diaper at church and she didn't freak. at first, i was going to oblige her once again by getting down on my knees on a carpeted floor somewhere in a private corner and changing her diaper, in hopes that that would keep her from wigging out......but momma is getting large and in charge, and so i declared that i spend enough time on the floor everyday without indulging her. so i ventured to a changing table in a classroom --and what do you know--- we both walked away unscathed!!
then a week later, yet another successful diaper change at church in the BATHROOM on a changing table. time to celebrate i'm telling you.
THEN yesterday at sears, i am looking for nightgowns and jenny keeps pointing to doors and saying potty. I am like "no thats the fitting rooms" "no thats an exit" ---finally she looked up at me and said "i need to potty." i was like "what?" this is new. so i tried to visualize for a minute how that would all go down, then i said "now if i take you in the bathroom you are going to sit on big person potty like momma?" oh yes she said.
that is nutso--- cause her usual routine for public bathrooms is: her in the stall w/me crying a river while i pee-- like i am going to get eaten up by the potty or something.
so i am thinking --yeah right chica-- you are going to flip out like usual.
but no she totally sat on the big potty and was very proud of herself. did not do anything in it, but its a start! i have to say --maybe she would have been successful if i could have managed to continue holding her on the potty. but the belly strikes again. i needed to be squatting down w/her and quite frankly i felt that that might lead to our son being born in the sears bathroom floor. anyway--- after that, i realized i would have to lay her on the change table to properly diaper her again. that is when i made mental note to buy pull ups and start putting her in pull ups when we go out on the town. (til we start to really train, that is) again she was fine with the change table.
i just cannot tell you how fabulous it is that she has overcome this fear. i am almost inspired to take her on a doctor visit.

and a seperate, very deep and ridiculous thought i was having concerning this momentous potty sit is..... that my poor girl is now no longer completely sheltered from the reality that is "the woes of womanhood".
yes dear you have to sit on public toilets. might as well get over it now. whether you decide to freak out about sitting there each and every time your entire life-- that is your own choice to make.
next thing you know you'll have to wear a bra, tampon, make up, shave various areas of your body, attempt to be as beautiful as possible in order to thrive in our hideous culture. You'll be married. Take birth control. You'll have to go to obgyn for any number of wild issues that only bother women. (while your husband goes to doc like once every 10 yrs and gets freaked about things like blood pressure cuffs.) You'll be pregnant and give birth and be Mom. (that sentence is packed to the brim with understatement.) Then you will snicker when you remember how you used to spend time thinking about the germs on a toilet seat.

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