Friday, October 24, 2008

Here goes.....

What to say for my very first blog.........

I've been told a few times that I should write a book. I guess it would have to be a ridiculous book, consisting of silly stories about nothing, because I think that that is about all that's going on up there in my brain. So that's probably all that you'll find here is silly ramblings or reflections of my day.

I have really good intentions to keep up this blog. We'll see if I can stick to it, or if I procrastinate as usual.
One motivation for me to diligently blog is to record these early days of Jenny's life. Seeing how she is 15 months old today and I can't manage to put one single picture into her fancy baby scrapbook, this is my attempt to document her beginning.
Also, in the process, I'll be journaling these early days of motherhood and all that. Discussing how many smooches did Jenny give me today or how many times did I have to breathe deeply and reboot. ha ha
And of course I'll tell all of our adventures we experience as a family.
And one day, I'll sit down with my empty nest and read all of these memories I've recorded with my box of Kleenex!

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