Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas day at home

Here is a video of Jenny discovering that Santa came to bring her toys.
Check out that hair!!!
Watch her kick Dora to the curb so that she can get into that fancy chair herself.

This year we were so excited to have some portion of Christmas in our own home. It was so nice to be home on Christmas morning, and of course we were tickled to see Jenny's reaction to her goodies from Santa.
Santa left Jenny a Dora tent and Dora dolly, a dolly with open/shut eyes and doll bed, tea set, Lady and the Tramp big picture book, and a fancy red checked chair with her name on it from Pottery Barn---(worth every penny!).
Jenny loves it when she finds Dee sitting in her chair or hiding in her tent.
I catch her doing the cutest things in her tent like brushing Dora's hair (there is nothing to brush), or brushing Dee's hair, or giving her dolly a bottle, or giving Dee a bottle. Or pouring Dee a cup of tea.
After about 2 hours with the new toys, Jenny went into wild monkey mode....getting into everything that she is not supposed to. So we hooked her up to the DVD's and she sat in her new chair while we got party food ready. Will's mom, dad and sister came at lunchtime and we had a good time munching, opening gifts and chilling out. Jenny got lots of toys from them of course. Sit and spin, hot wheels, dress up gear, books, ballerina outfit for her teddy bear, magnets.... and the list goes on. By the end of the day it looked like a tornado hit Toys R Us in here. And we still had one more grandma to go visit the next day!
To be continued.....

1 comment:

Phi Phi said...

Jenny is the cutest baby I know. So sweet.