Friday, November 7, 2008

Food is Fun

When Jenny gets bored with a food, then it gets smashed. For an example we'll use banana. She loves it if I don't catch her til she has two fists full of banana squeezing tight going squish squish. Once she's been caught, she'll hold her fists up to show me and the smile on her face then is priceless. If she could talk she'd say: "I know, I know this is so bad. But look how fun!! If squishing this banana is wrong, I don't want to be right!!" (sounds like her momma)Recently I was observing my child and I was pleased to find that she is using her creativity.
Perhaps growing tired of smooshing food with her hands, she decided to smash these carrots with her heels.
She's really thinking outside the box and that makes me proud!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey Kristen! Well I found your blog. It was nice to talk with you this morning at Bible study!